Landing – Audrey
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a a .Fashionable. .Fashionable. Proudly introducing Audrey, an elegant multipurpose fashion theme. buy audrey

Main Home


Pinterest Portfolio


Fashion Store


Perfume Store


Masonry portfolio


Parallax Portfolio


Vertical Showcase


Fullscreen Slider


Blog Masonry


Portfolio Carousel


Portfolio Columns


Left Menu Home


Boxed Home


Metro Portfolio


Blog Home

With Audrey, you do not need to know a single line of code. Building beautiful websites has never been so pleasurable.

One-click Import Feature

Lightning fast set up. You can import the complete Audrey demo content in mere moments with just a single click of your mouse thanks to the astounding one-click import feature.

Easily Translatable

You can easily translate your website to any of the languages of the world or create a multilingual website thanks to Audrey’s full compatibility with powerful WMPL plugin.

Unlimited Colors

Color options are simply a matter of your preference. Setting the colors for any of the sections or elements on your website is as easy as it gets and completely in your hands.

Social Media Ready

Connect with other people and share your latest news on social media quickly and with ease thanks to the neat Instagram and Twitter feed widgets included with Audrey.

Beautiful Layouts

Audrey comes with fifteen stunning and fully customizable homepages, practical inner page layouts, shop templates, as well as remarkable blog and portfolio lists and single pages.

Slider Revolution

Included for free with Audrey is the amazing Slider Revolution plugin which enables you to create smooth and appealing informative sliders on any of the pages of your website.

Powerful Admin

Find out how enjoyable and simply effortless website creation and management can be with the help of Audrey’s comprehensive and extremely user friendly admin panel.

WPBakery Page Builder

Bundled for free with Audrey is the outstanding and user friendly drag-and-drop WPBakery page builder. You do not need to know a single line of code to create a beautiful website.

a a a a a a great inner pages Great Inner Pages a Audrey is packed with a large set of striking predesigned inner page layouts which can be used for a multitude of purposes. You get absolutely everything you need to create an awesome website.
a a a single pages Single Pages a Showcase your latest designs in a stylish manner, share your news & work, or set up your own eCommerce platform. All this is and more is easily achievable with the help of Audrey’s eye-catching single pages.
Create a superb website & express your passion for fashion.
Buy Audrey